Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Fall of Religion - A Look & Some Questions...

Watching the video above, three significant questions with viewpoints come into my mind. I state them below.

1- What indeed is "rationalism"? Sanal Edamaruku did a commendable job in attacking the tantrik. Religion is this country is so paradoxical with conflicting ideas and values. It focuses only at one place - peace of the mind through the dissapearance of money from the pockets. According to me Science should be the only religion and recognition of the principle and action of Atom behind every process must be the path to Spirit. Practicing it will not only prove the Vedic saying that "God is one" but also helps us to recognise and use the power for a constructive purpose. For a detailed discussion do read my blog - Is Atom God?

2- Coming to the tantrik, the very fact that he challenged to kill Sanal LIVE reflected three major flaws of his personality.
a- He does not value human life; while the mantras were aimed for upliftment of the same through purification and expansion of mind. It brings about a serious reflection that what "type" of people are actually using, rather abusing, these sciences. Mind you, I still call them sciences. Every scientific law works in a particular context (for example the gravitational constant in earth will not be acceptable in moon). So was there an appropriate preparation of context in this case? How much of knowledge do we know to even negate it? It failed because it was in the wrong hands, used wrongly and with wrong intentions in an inappropriate context. Serious research is necessary to obtain the guidelines for effective implementation of tantra vidya. And moreover, tantra vidya is for personal purification and so are siddhis and they will certainly fail when abused with no respect for others and aimed for self-glorification.
b- How many tantriks actually do their mumbo-jumbo in the physical prescence of their victims? To the best of my knowledge they do a back-ground job. Then why did this person touch Sanal and make him touch his stuff? Is he not a charlatan of the first order?
c- The tantrik has no faith on his knowledge or else mantras do not require physical prescence. Mantras are supposed to be vibrations and vibrations are waves which travel based on initiating force and the source of the force. The tantrik sounds so drunk, how can the vibration be effective?

3- Last but not the least, based on the video, one cannot refute the existence of "spritualism" . Rationality cannot be anti-spirituality. Rather its the best way and a short cut to the Spirit since many of these unmeaningful rituals can be bypassed. Spirituality is not religion with its mumbo-jumbo, but one has to really sit and define what indeed is spirituality. According to me its the greatest science - a science of "self enquiry", but what is the process? Though we say there are many alternative path to spirit, yet I argue there is NOT! It has to be one glorious path for scientific laws are self-contained in themselves. Since spirituality is a science, the laws of it has to be well-defined and unchangable. However, sadly many of us are unaware. Its for nothing that young men and women have left households to Himalayas. Surely there must be a stronger motivational force to pull them away from the earthly pleasures of wine, women and money so freely available in the plains. Were they aware of those laws or did they leave in the search of those laws? If its the later, then its a really long journey. What is that "force" that pulled them out of their homes and why is it not equally attractive to all? And what does it guarentee on achievement? Till we define that (which soon we must !) we will be at the mercy of such charlatans and hence must boldly declare -Atom is God !


C.Savitha said...
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Surya said...

Am not trying to equate the principles of rationality with spirituality and science, rather apply and then test whether it is applicable.

Rationality advocates that all that is not explainable with natural laws are do not exist. Applying it to science, how can we be sure that all laws have been discovered? Moreover every scientific theory or law can be falsified and has a scope of action and application. What if the existing phenomenon is beyond the scope of explanation by the existing scientific laws? And definitely all laws have NOT been discovered or else research in science would have been dead. Rationality advocates open mindedness, then why is not open to the idea that the existing laws may not be suitable instruments to explain phenomenon labelled as "unnatural" or "supernatural"? May be the supernaturalphenomenon need supernatural laws which the people gone to Himalayas may be supposedly searching for.

Coming to spirituality, as I mentioned it is too a science according to me. But an ill-defined one. The actors, context and rules of the game had to be properly defined. Since it is a different context, application of laws of physical science or rationality to explain or negate shows immaturity of mind.

Hope your question is answered..!

Mamta Shenoy said...
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Mamta Shenoy said...

Amazing work Surya . Wonderful linking of rationalism , Science and Spirituality
You deserve a great applause.but I have my say in few things

Firstly the live video which you referred was telecasted in a national channel of great repute (which often shows things like this )many times and .I believe that these chanels can do anything to gain popularity . So the person involved is a tantric in reall terms is a matter of question as why any tantric who has got Siddhi will try to take someon’s life without any reason ? Just to prove his worth ? No

Yes it is true that Tantra Vidya is effective only if it is used for the benefit of human beings without any selfish desire .;and no doubt it is also a scientific phenomena. It may not be recognized today but in times to come it will definitely be considered as such .

I think instead of saying ‘atom is god ‘ it should be ‘Energy is God ‘which can be converted into atoms molecules and matter and further into living and non living entitities.

It seems that you are quite fascinated by the people who give up their worldly responsibilities and go to Himalaya to attain renunciation .According to me they r escapist who could not face challenges which life has put forth before them . Let me clear that one can never attain liberation without experiencing worldly pleasure . To attain liberation no need of going away from woman wine and money . See the main thing is desire which is to be culled out whether you are in this world or in Himalaya . Even Shankaracharya had to let his soul enter into a dead king’s body for six month to have the experience of a married life .
On the contrary King Janak having all the amenities and luxuries of life attained Moksha why ? because he was totally detached from the physical world . He did his duty with equal mindedness contemplating on God . so the main thing is to curb the desire so as to explore the real self not to become enslave of senses which anyone can practice in this world only . God has given this body to serve the humanity not to go to Himalayas leaving the family members in distress . How can a person expect to make God happy if he is unable to make his family members happy

Namaji said...

Read the post and the comments.
Nice discussion.
Haven't seen the video, but, for now, here is a quick link from the blog of Ram Gopal Varma, which seems to be (partly) in context :!5187B91811914FB4!3240.entry

Hope to get back with my ideas.
Best Wishes